for New York State Assembly



I have represented NYS correction officers, engineers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more for most of my 30-year career. The confidence my fellow workers had in me that I would represent them with passion and hard work.

And I did.


As a union leader, I learned the importance of communication in leadership. Not just one-way communication, and not even just two-way communication. Sometimes you have to get all of the interested parties into a room together and have complex conversations about complex issues.

We will do that if I am elected, by having monthly gatherings to discuss the business before the NYS Legislature and how it will impact our communities.


In a representative Democracy, every citizen has a voice in government through the person they elect to represent them. I understand the responsibility of keeping the entire community in the forefront of my mind as I work to better our communities and our lives. This assembly seat belongs to every person in the 133 rd. Assembly District. It is our pathway to participate in NYS government.

It is OUR SEAT AT THE TABLE. Let’s take it.

Who is Colleen Walsh-Williams?

Colleen has been a union leader for most of her 30-year career with New York State. She served as the Rochester Regional Coordinator for the Public Employees Federation from 2016 to 2020, and represented PEF’s 50,000+ employees in negotiation of their 2019-2023 contract worth $42 billion.

Colleen holds a Bachelor’s Degree in journalism and a Master’s Degree in education. She is certified to teach secondary English in New York State, and taught in the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision for ten years. Colleen currently works at the NYS Department of Transportation’s Design unit as an Administrative Specialist.

Colleen comes from Cato, NY, a small town in northern Cayuga County where community service was a way of life. Her father, a US Army Veteran, served on the Cato Fire Department and later became Commander of the Red Creek American Legion. Colleen’s mother, a Licensed Master Social Worker, played acoustic guitar in the folk group at St. Patrick’s church in Cato, NY, and travelled to Homestead, FL in the wake of Hurricane Andrew to locate senior citizens and connect them with the vital services they needed. Colleen was president of the gay student union at SUNY New Paltz, and later served two terms on the Red Creek Central School Board.

Colleen is 55, and set to retire from state service in December. Since community service is a way of life, Colleen is looking forward to this opportunity to serve her community in an effective and impactful way.



I’m tired of watching working people give more and more while their paychecks remain stagnant. I want to fight for those of us who are struggling. All of us have had to adjust our spending in the past few years, and many of us have had to make unthinkable sacrifices. It’s time to use the resources available to us to provide some relief. Healthcare costs are so high that many of us can’t afford our medications.

Our public schools are woefully underfunded. Many area school boards are looking for ways to cut even deeper from their budgets after years of cutting them to the bone. A free, quality, public education is the cornerstone of Democracy. We have got to give our students and teachers the resources they need.

It’s time for the wealthy to pay taxes in New York State. The super-rich have been working hard to elect people who will continue the farce of rewriting tax codes so they don’t have to pay ANY income taxes, while you and I pay about 30% of every dollar we earn. It’s time to stop this.

The United States Supreme Court as handed the responsibility of governing women’s reproductive rights to the states. As a New York State legislator, I will protect a woman’s right to choose with every ounce of my being. No one is pro-abortion, but that decision has got to be between a woman and her doctor.


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Proudly Endorsed by:

Public Employee’s Federation

Working Families Party

Eleanor’s Legacy

United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America